Tag Archives: Eckhart Tolle


On a recent trail run, I approached from behind a mother walking hand-in-hand with her little girl. It was a lovely sight — this young woman walking patiently at the child’s slow but determined pace — and as I moved past them the little girl beamed up at me, her big blue eyes bright with the […]


I want to invite the end of time, and with it, the end of The Problem. I want to quit marching forward and step lightly sideways, into happiness. I want it all to be possible, flowing in all directions: one endlessly unfolding, grace-filled moment

Tokens of ourselves

I was deep in the middle of a dream early this morning when I sensed, vaguely, a familiar heaviness on the bed. Then, the sleep-obliterating voice of my black cat Spot. “Me,” he said. “Ow.” He had a point. It was past 7 a.m., and I would usually have been up for some time. But […]


I awoke this morning to a sliver of snow over a thin sheet of ice, a sure sign it was time for a seasonal running ritual: creating screw shoes. Screw shoes provide traction, and they’re easy to make: insert sheet metal screws with hex heads into the outsoles of running shoes, which are thereby transformed into the […]

The magic in the mundane

Three things make me stop what I’m doing at work for an appreciation time-out:  dramatic skies,  dogs and babies who have not yet developed egos. There’s a lot of the first in the Rockies, and a fair amount of the second and third at the store where I work. We take seriously our mission to educate […]